Employment agency
The Employment Agency supports students who have doubts about their studies and those who have dropped out in all matters relating to career choice. The counselors provide comprehensive information, develop career alternatives together with the target group, and then support them in realizing their personal career aspirations.
In a cooperative and confidential conversation, individual interests, inclinations and abilities are discussed together and information is provided on the following topics:
- regional and interregional training in companies, vocational schools and technical colleges,
- Application and Selection Process,
- Fields of activity and opportunities for promotion,
- Occupational and job market data,
- Bridging options,
- and ways abroad.
Contact: Niederauer Str. 26-28, 01662 Meißen, Riesa.Berufsberatung@arbeitsagentur.de
ZEFAS (Cnter for Skilled Workers and Good Work Saxony)
ZEFAS supports companies and emplyees in Saxony as a statewide service center on the topics of integration and job market-related immigration, vocational training and continuinig education. ZEFAS offers referral consultations as well as podcasts on general topics related to skilled workers.
Dresden Chamber of Crafts
Dropping out of studies – What now? What to do!
The Dresden Chamber of Crafts advises students who have doubts about their studies or who have dropped out of their studies on the questions „What do I do now? How do I go on?“ and supports them in their decision-making process towards a suitable dual vocational training program in the skilled trades as a promising alternative to university studies.
The counseling includes personal discussions on suitable apprenticeship occupations as well as support in the search for an apprenticeship position and contacting a suitable company.
The program „Passgenaue Besetzung – “ supported by KMU (Small and medium-sized businessess) finding the perfect fit for apprenticeships and the integration of foreign skilled workers“ is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund.
The Employment Agency, the Dresden Chamber of Crafts and the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce work together with Dresden’s universities to support students who are uncertain about their decision and dropouts on their way to a professional future.
Contact: Franziska Zimmermann, Phone: 0351 4640-987, Fax: 0351 4640-34987
The program „Passgenaue Besetzung – “ supported by KMU (Small and medium-sized businessess) finding the perfect fit for apprenticeships and the integration of foreign skilled workers“ is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund.
Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Regional Office Riesa
The Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) advises university dropouts and students who have not yet completed their studies on suitable apprenticeships in industry and commerce, thus enabling them to start a successful apprenticeship after completing their studies. Assistance is also offered in finding apprenticeships and applying for them.
The Employment Agency, the Dresden Chamber of Crafts and the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce work together with Dresden’s universities to help students who are not sure about their future career and to support dropouts on their way to a career.
Contact: Anke Schmidt, consultant for the accurate filling of apprenticeship positions, phone: 0351 2802-581, schmidt.anke@dresden.ihk.de
The program „Passgenaue Besetzung – “ supported by KMU (Small and medium-sized businessess) finding the perfect fit for apprenticeships and the integration of foreign skilled workers“ is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund.
Chamber of Notaries Saxony
The Chamber of Notaries of Saxony advises university dropouts on training as notary clerks. Work in the notary’s office is as varied and colorful as life itself. Notaries handle cases that come from the everyday life. You need a flair for dealing with people and an open ear for questions.
Whether it is a will, the fundation of a company or the purchase of a house – the profession is never boring. In contrast to lawyers, notaries are neutral public officials. They provide legal advice to the parties involved and prepare and implement deeds. Notary clerks help with this. They process documents independently and are in constant contact with clients, authorities and courts.
Contact: Notary Assessor Tim Hofmann, notarkammer@notarkammer-sachsen.de
Green professions
Dropouts have the opportunity to learn a so-called green profession. Today, modern agricultural companies, also take on services, ecological and balancing functions for our society, nature and the environment. They also make a significant contribution to economic development as contractors and employers in rural areas.
Contact: Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology